Moving somewhere new? You’ll need to sign up to a new gas plan with an energy retailer (who manage your account and bills). Not sure who to choose? You can find a list of gas retailers here and compare offers on the Energy Made Easy website. Once you’re signed up your retailer will contact us to come and read your gas meter for future billing.
Moving out and need your gas account closed? No problem. Just contact your current gas retailer and they’ll liaise with us on your behalf to arrange a final meter read, calculate and issue your final bill.
Moving into a new home, rebuilding or want to replace an old electric appliance with gas? If your property isn’t currently connected to natural gas, you’ll need to arrange a new connection. You can apply through:
You can check if gas is available at your address here.
We will get back to you within 10 business days to advise you of the next steps as this is dependent on the type of connection we are able to deliver to your property . The entire connection process could take 20 or more business days, again this is dependent on the type of connection but we will let you know timeframes once the offer is made. We recommend submitting your application at least 6-8 weeks ahead of your desired finish date.
Typically Jemena experiences connection delays towards the end of the year due to Christmas period and large volumes of customers moving into new homes.
We will confirm if there is any fee associated once we’ve assessed your request. Depending on the nature of the connection there may be a customer contribution required to have the works carried out but we will advise you should this be the case.
You will need to let us know if you have any of the following site conditions when lodging your application. If any of these site conditions apply, your offer may require a customer contribution and / or it may take us longer to complete the connection.
We may also be required to obtain permits from your local council or authorities such as Roads & Maritime Services to work on public land and roadways. You do not need to arrange this; we arrange this as part of our planning process.